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In this companion text for my music, access lyrics of 34 songs & some elements of
the background to their composition.
Also enjoy free playing of these 34 songs
via this site.
Book Details
Publisher: Ultimate World Publishing
Language: English
Format: Paperback
No of pages: 240
ISBN: 978192282002
Dimensions: 15cm x 23cm
Shipping: $12.70 delivery ONLY in Australia
Note: We only ship to Australia.
Shoppers from other countries are advised to purchase through sites which appear when you enter 'Tesserae Kinned' in Google e.g. Book Depository, Barnes and Noble, local Amazon website and others. A Kindle version can be accessed via Amazon.
Australians ONLY, click on the link on the left to order and pay for a copy of the text, postage and handling.
Cost of Postage to another country is prohibitive.
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