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Fire Wrapped In Stone

Poetical source of lyrics: Roderick James (Rod) Cameron OSA

Composer, Singer, Vocals, Guitar: Maria Rosa


     'Kiata is a Spirit Person ... 

     the Spirit of fire, light and heat ...

     the Spirit of Summertime.

     Kiata is the Flame.'

                                    Rod Cameron OSA


Strong contributor to final form of lyrics for

'Angels in the Dust': James Cornell

Source of lyrics for 'God of All Creation' is unknown; however, musical composition is by Maria Rosa with strong support from James Cornell.


Sound Engineer: Brent Hodgkins

Producers: Brent Hodgkins and Maria Rosa


All sound effects sourced from sites listed may have been edited, other effects added, eq'd differently e.g. reverbs and delays under licenses given.  Sounds sourced: June 2015 - May 2016.


Kind permissions received via ; from - sounds copied, remixed, transformed, built upon and redistributed in any medium/format under Creative Commons License – see ;

from under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0




1. 'Alcheringa'


    Synthesizer and Drums:  Brent Hodgkins

    Clapsticks: Maria Rosa


    stream with small waterfall in forest (mkinneysound)


2. 'Angels in the Dust'


    Melodica: Maria Rosa

    Synthesizer: Brent Hodgkins


3.  'Kiata to Ki-in-Kumi'      


     Synthesizer and Drums:  Brent Hodgkins

     Melodica: Maria Rosa


     Loose Earth Moving + Rainstick (Stephen Schütze)

     Single Lightning Bolt (gr8sfx)   


4.  'Walk Where Ancients Walked'


      Drums:  Brent Hodgkins

      Boomerangs clapping plus clapping sticks:  Maria Rosa


      Spear swooshing (sound-ideas's)


5.  'The Najara Spirit'


     Rod Cameron states: 'This remarkable, but beautiful story is told by

     Aborigines in the Maroochy area of Queensland.'



     Wind SoundEffect (Equality_X12)     


6.  'Will All The Campfires Fail?'



     Little Fire.ogg (Glaneur de sons)


7. 'Rest - A Lullaby'


    Chimes:  Maria Rosa


    Rain from Inside (Mark Di Angelo) 


8.  'Ode to Youth: The Old and the New'


     Drums: Brent Hodgkins

     Tibetan Singing Bowl and Shakers: Maria Rosa


9.  'God of All Creation'


     (Source of lyrics unknown)


     Country meadow ambience morning loop (soundrangers)


10.  'When the Wattles Bloom'


       Tibetan Singing Bowl, Clapsticks and Keyboard:  Maria Rosa


       Laughing Kookaburras (Christopher)

       Barred Owl Call (snottyboy);                                      


       Children cheer (nightingalevoicebox) 

       river rapids fast 004 (mckinneysound) 



'We live in story as a fish lives in the sea. Life is a journey and the hidden meaning is revealed in the unfolding of a theme. Sacred myths are the deepest of all stories holding the bedrock truths by which we live. To find our theme is to come to self-discovery. Myth is told in time that has no tense. Stories tell of a past that is ever present drawing events into an all-embracing Now. No one holds the total dream.'  

       Rod Cameron describing some of what the Alcheringa is.


'We cannot speak universal truth

But if we each speak our own truth,

Humbly and honestly,

The Truth will speak itself.'

       James Cornell   












To purchase using security of Paypal, click on either "Buy Album" or on individual song.  No Paypal account needed.  Prices in Australian currency.  Lyrics provided with purchase.

© 2023 by Tyler Reece. Proudly created with

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Warning to Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders: This site contains images of and reference to people who have died and the voice of two of them.


Photos and videos of Rod Cameron OSA: Used with kind permission of the Augustinian Order of Australasia.

Use of sketch of little girl welcoming Rod Cameron at Bidyadanga: Permission given by Rod Cameron OSA - taken from text The Red Land published in 1972 by the Augustinian Order of Australasia. All illustrations in latter text - except for two - are by Olwen Roser

Other Photos Copyright: Maria Rosa


All albums (except Red Land Songs) able to be downloaded from this site have been co-produced with, mixed and mastered by Brent Hodgkins at

Warrior Records, Bruthen Music Studio, Victoria, Australia.

Red Land Songs was recorded with the valuable assistance of Allan Black formerly of Black Inc, St Leonards, New South Wales.


Please note: Neither Rod Cameron OSA/Keis/James Cornell nor Maria Rosa are persons of Australian First Nations descent.  This site therefore does not speak for any one with Australian Indigenous lineage. Rather, as fellow Australians, we instead have worked with them to broaden understanding of their realities while living within the liminal space created when their cultures and the mainstream culture of our country meet. These songs have grown from our encounters and experience of learning from the First Australians. English is not the first language of many First Nations peoples in Australia and around the world. 


If you wish to arrange any of the music or use it in any non-private way such as in print, online, plays, ballet, advertisements, film or TV you need the permission and a licence from the copyright owners of the musical work and sound recordings. APRA AMCOS will assist you in obtaining such a licence. This organisation's contact details are as follows: APRA AMCOS, Locked Bag 5000, Strawberry Hills, NSW 2012

 9am – 5pm, weekdays (AEST) Call: +61 2 9935 7900                                   



Disclaimer: All available up-to-date due care has been taken by me and due diligence acted upon to ensure  all uploads are free of viruses.  Thus no responsibility will be accepted for any viruses or other compromise to your equipment which surface any time after music has been downloaded.  M Rosa


Deep thanks to Rod Cameron OSA, Elizabeth Macris (Sr Eleanor Mary Macris RSC, AM), Keis, and Brent Hodgkins for their affirmation of artists.


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