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Engaging Music, Drama & Creative Movement

As a qualified educator, Maria Rosa has incorporated music into the curriculum for students in Years 1-12.  Her approach sought to engage the whole child and young adult in the adventure of learning, discovering themselves and the world about them via creativity and movement.  Among her credits are the following:


'Over the years, in and out of classrooms one meets teachers, plain teachers, run of the mill teachers and “Ah! Teachers”.  “Ah! Teachers” are people who have the gift as well as the training, the knack of creating noises and silences, work and play, fun and adventure, dreams and sparkles.  “Ah! Teachers” bring the best out of children so that children want to learn, to please, to be helpful and honest.  Miss Rosa is “Ah! A Teacher”!' - Principal, Primary School (WA)


'(Maria’s) ministry in teaching was distinguished by the thoroughness of preparation, her sensitivity to the needs of her students and her care in nurturing their growth.' - Principal, Secondary College (NSW)


'Maria’s approach is innovative and effective.  … She is a gifted teacher who in the sensitive area of personal development has established a warm rapport with her students.' - General Co-ordinator, Secondary College (NSW)


Independent of the education context, Maria has also been asked to sing solo at special occasions such as weddings, an ordination, on radio and at a Sydney North Shore Spring Festival.


Training, Experience, Practice Highlights:


*  Cast member for productions of Gilbert and Sullivan’s Iolanthe and Patience,

    Christ College (now integrated into Australian Catholic University)(Vic) 

* Coordinating Creative Movement Yrs 3 & 4 entry in Latrobe Valley

   Eisteddford + creation of play emerging from a Yr 6 term curriculum theme; 

   cast member of Revue presentation to inmates at local Prison Farm (Vic)

* End of Year Yr 1 Concert Creative Movement (WA)

* Tardun Special Aboriginal School (WA) – included integration of song-writing into

   remedial reading program and inclusion of Indigenous perspectives

* La Grange Special Aboriginal School, La Grange (now Bidyadanga)(WA) –

   included participation in formation of a Bush Band plus organization of visit by

   Children Activities Times Society (CATS) to hold creativity enhancing

   workshops in music and puppetry; co-organiser and leader in local children

   and teenagers’ 3 week Christmas Holiday Program

*  Assigned to work in particular with students who had been dislocated from

   Oombulgurri Community (previously known as Forrest River Mission)(WA)

* Experience included being with a group of students of Indigenous descent from

   a remote community led by a local Indigenous teacher when they entered song

   and dance in Darwin Eisteddford; Yr 1 End of Year Concert presentation;    

   Singing and playing guitar as part of music group in NT local church

* Began study and practice of Liturgical Dance while completing Diploma of

   Spirituality for Leadership (NSW)

* Joined group of singers and musicians contributing regularly to

   the Music Ministry, Haymarket Church, Sydney (NSW)





*  Staff Member for 7 years at Secondary College (NSW) – integrated  

    music and drama into Religious Education  and Personal

    Development Streams Yrs 7-12; 

*   Undertook singing lessons, Strathfield (NSW);

    recording and released of album Red Land Songs at Black Inc Studios,

    St Leonards (NSW);

*   Regular Jazzercise participant;

*   Performed at concerts presenting Red Land Songs program with

    Rod Cameron OSA at Cairns, Dimboolah, Mareeba, Innisfail and

    Kuranda (QLD)

*  Completed Western Music studies, Mt Lawley College of Advanced

    Education (now integrated into Edith Cowan University)(WA)

*  Participated in 2 interviews and program presentations of Red Land

    Songs on local radio FM station, Manly Warringah (NSW);

    composition of music for presentation of A Tongue of Silver by

    Michael Dyne (originally from Matinee Theatre, March 15, 1957)

    on local radio FM station, Manly Warringah (NSW);

    participant in airplay given for presentation of A Tongue Silver                         by Radio Players on local FM radio station – sang songs composed of

    music I set to some of play's text;

    presented music composed for A Tongue of Silver as part of

    Radio Players at Spring Explodes Festival held on October 20, 1991

    at Narrabeen (NSW) by Peninsula Arts Network as assisted by the

    Australia Council, the Federal Arts funding and advisory body

    and Warringah Shire Council;

    composed other songs commissioned by Rod Cameron OSA for

    his retreat and Red Land Ministry work

*   Flamenco, Tango and Salsa Workshops Alice Springs

*   Choreographed Creative Movement (matching my original

     painting) presented as part of assessable core unit project in

     professional doctoral program with Intercultural Concentration;

     member of McCormick Theological Seminary Choir, Chicago;

     participant in Flamenco Training Workshops, Chicago (USA) and Alice 


*   Clown Doctoring Workshops

*   Nungalinya College Lecturer, Darwin (NT) – training

     adults of Indigenous descent to meet requirements of the

     following nationally accredited vocational competencies:

     Develop Knowledge of Public Worship; Apply Skills in

     Conducting Public Worship;  Develop Culturally Appropriate

     Expressions of Christian Discipleship;

     Develop Knowledge of the Relationship between Gospel

     and Culture.

     Canvassed 2 recommendations supporting an ultimately

     successful application for funding a new building for

     music and media studies/production building at Nungalinya

*    Participant in Medieval Dance Group

*    Recording of own musical compositions written in response

     to commissioning by Rod Cameron OSA or in collaboration

     with James Cornell for albums: Fire Wrapped in Stone,

     Wildfire Spun, Overheard by the Heart, Little Deep Wells, 

     Whispering into the Wind at Warrior Records.

*    Attendee at Masterclass on performance with flautist Jane

      Rutter, Forge Theatre, Bairnsdale (Vic), November 11, 2016.

      Editor of presentation in Cairns' collaboration between local 

      people of Indigenous descent and Rod Cameron OSA as

      background to understanding origin of album Red Land Songs.​

​      Companion text to 34 songs created and published in 2022: Tesserae



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